The simplified elements shown in Figure 1 and used here, have been produced in plexiglass, well suited for demonstration of the principles of the system to a limited audience. The scale of the Plexi Pieces is such that the pieces can be used on a standard 1:250,000 map of Israel.
Israel is the only non-Muslim country (except non-NATO Cyprus) that stands between the 2,000x2,000 mile land mass span comprising of 370 million Muslims, from Iran/Yemen to the East/South, to Greece (11M) and NATO (500M) to the West, and Russia (142M) to the North.
In 334 BCE, 128 years before the Chinese invented the compass for merely divining purposes in...
While Biblical claims to the historic Land of Israel are as valid today as they were 3,500 years ago, and while the world’s moral obligation to the Jewish People remains as articulated by the League of Nations, the Balfour Declaration and the United Nations, it appears the Jewish people of Israel have embarked on a course “without preparing any security alternative for future dangers.” (Brig. Gen. Amatzia Chen, IDF Res., Yedioth Ahronoth 11/2/93).
The PLO continues, by its very covenant, to be...
A demilitarized Palestinian West Bank / Gaza State will turn Israel from a U.S. Strategic Asset and Bulwark to Middle East Terror that is able to defend itself, into a defenseless U.S. liability, inviting attack unable even to defend itself, let alone project American military power.
Israel IS NATO’s south-eastern flank defending Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, and even Greece, against Turkey and an Iranian-occupied Israel.
1. Now, Israel’s battle-ready Order of Battle gives NATO a dependable, cost-effective, NATO-friendly shaped Battle Space to protect Greek Cyprus from a Turkish/Muslim Attack and devastation which began with the Turkish invasion in 1974.
The day after the historic signing of the Israel-Palestinian arrangement, Secretary of State Warren Christopher resolutely confirmed the Clinton Administration policy that America would deploy U.S. troops to the Golan Heights as part of a future Israeli-Syrian agreement to protect Israel...
Upon completion of the latest round of Israel-Syrian bilateral peace talks, the Syrian foreign minister emphasized that no “grain of sand of our land” will be “lost.” For the Israelis, Prime Minister Rabin reiterated his election pledge of “never coming down from the Golan Heights.” While ...
A “demilitarized autonomous zone” has been proposed as a solution for a gradual lessening of Israeli administration of the territories of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. At some point in the ongoing Middle East peace talks, the exact legal meaning of the term “demilitarized autonomous zone” will have to be agreed upon by Israel, the surrounding Arab states, the Palestinians and, if necessary, outside peace keeping guarantors...
The Hamas-Hezbollah-Syria-Iran-Iraqi Insurgency Axis:
“Loose” Chump Change or a “Fourth Reichastan”
It is warmly comfortable to lazily scan the Hamas-Hezbollah-Syria-Iran-Iraqi Insurgency Axis as a disparate and discrete group of political/terrorist movements. For to otherwise view the insidious amalgam as a single coherent military and political machine would be to admit to an unthinkable and dark reality: ...
Fizzlekrieg™: James Bond’s EMP defeats Dr. Strangelove’s MAD
Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul, M.D. has clearly enunciated a strategic nuclear containment ‘thesis’ that there is ““No need to attack Iran” because “If you look at a map of Iran, we have 45 bases around their country, plus our submarines. The Iranians can’t possibly attack anybody and we are worrying about the possibility of one nuclear weapon.”” Paul isn’t alone. Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s famed National Security Advisor, and other very well-respected analysts such as...
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