While Biblical claims to the historic Land of Israel are as valid today as they were 3,500 years ago, and while the world’s moral obligation to the Jewish People remains as articulated by the League of Nations, the Balfour Declaration and the United Nations, it appears the Jewish people of Israel have embarked on a course “without preparing any security alternative for future dangers.” (Brig. Gen. Amatzia Chen, IDF Res., Yedioth Ahronoth 11/2/93).
The PLO continues, by its very covenant, to be the foremost terrorist organization committed, as a matter of sacred principle, to the destruction of the Jewish State. Indeed, a leading PLO figure, Ziad Abu Ziad, just recently declared on Israel radio that;
“Israel must not demand that the PLO alter its covenant (to destroy the Jewish State), just as the PLO does not demand that the Jewish Nation cancel the Bible.”
And as Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik now states:
“Our sages declare that the injunction `Thou shalt not kill’ means do not shed blood and do not become accomplices and partners of murderers. Thus, forming a covenant with killers is in violation of this commandment.”
However, even if it were possible to accept the PLO as a partner for “Peace” despite their covenant to annihilate Israel, despite their ongoing and unwavering commitment to the economic boycott of Israel, despite their refusal to condemn terrorist attacks against Israel committed directly by PLO terror squads, and despite PLO Foreign Minister Faraq Qaddumi’s recent statement that murdering Israeli soldiers “is legitimate” Al-Hayah 11/4/93 — the formation of a Palestinian autonomous state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza will unquestionably lead to massive loss of Jewish life and ultimately to a war on a scale unprecedented in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict for the fol- lowing reasons:
1. 70% of Israel’s Jewish population and 80% of her industry will be within direct range of easily concealed and transportable Katyusha rockets.
An autonomous ‘demilitarized’ Palestinian state, off-limits to Israeli internal security personnel, will be unable (and, in all likelihood, unwilling) to prevent the infiltration and use of Katyusha rockets. (see picture below right) These very mobile rockets are capable of carry ing both conventional and low-teach chemical warheads.
The only recourse available to Israel — and this only after many Israeli civilians have been killed — will be an invasion of the `Palestinian State’. This would result inevitably in a war involving combined Arab forces, and a Pan- Arab launched firestorm of sophisticated missiles which would decimate a strategically weakened Jewish State.

The Katyusha Rocket "Multiple Rocket Launcher" BM-21 pictured above can be easily taken apart and smuggled into a "Demilitarized" Palestinian State. Individual Katyushas can be launched from a pipe with just a car battery. The rockets on this truck have a range of 12.7 miles (20.4 km). Katyushas can easily carry chemical warheads. One full salvo of rockets from the truck above would fire the explosive equivalent to 4 "Iraqi" type Scud missiles. No apartment in Tel Aviv will be safe.
2. Israel would be cut off from 40% of its water supply, including Golan Heights water in the calculation. This would spell the end of at least 50% of its agriculture, and effectively destroy the Israeli economy.
At the present time, some 40% of Israel’s sweet water is either supplied or directly effected by the Western Samarian mountain aquifer which naturally feeds the Israeli coastal aquifer that serves as Israel’s primary water source. Relinquishing control of the Western Samarian mountain acquifer means this vital water will be "peacefully" diverted by the Palestinian from Israel with disastrous consequences.
3. An additional 30% of Israel’s total supply comes from the Golan Heights and can be easily diverted by Syria if the Golan is given up?
In 1964, Syria tried to divert the waters of the Golan and was only stopped by Israeli bombs. Assad wants every drop of water as much as he wants every inch of land.
4. Relinquishing the Golan Heights will necessitate the stationing of U.S. buffer troops who will be exposed to murderous attacks from rejectionist Arab irregulars.
The American People will not accept casualties among the U.S. peace-keeping forces on the Golan Heights, and rightly so. Any such deployment of U.S. Troops will begin with good intentions and end with American body bags and vehement American protest demonstrations. Given the difference in size, topography and location between the Sinai and the Golan, even a `well-meaning’ Syrian Government will be unable to prevent fundamentalist radical `civilians’ from attacking the relatively stationery U.S. peace keeping troops.
The geographic positions of the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria, were very carefully and strategically situated along:
- The Western Samarian mountain aquifer, on the N-S axis to secure this vital water source;
- The Trans-Samarian Highway on the E-W axis which serves as the only supply line to the Jordan River Valley-Allon Line of Defense which even Mr. Rabin claims is vital to Israeli national security;
- The mountainous perimeters of Jerusalem in order to prevent Israel’s eternal capital from becoming another topographically entrapped Sarajevo.
Far from being `obstacles to peace’, these heroic Israeli citizens represent Israel’s only bulwark against annihilation. It is the Israeli settlers who protect the mountains of Judea and Samaria which protect the Israeli coastal plain which holds 4.2 million Israelis. To abandon these patriots and the land they protect, is at best a policy based on wishful thinking, and at worst a combined act of extreme recklessness and national suicide.
Differentiating these Israeli citizens from those within the Green Line, is tantamount to delivering a clear signal to our enemies that these Jewish men, women and children are fair game for Israel’s most implacable foes.
It is our moral obligation to clarify, explain and communicate the nature and substance of these threats to Israeli security while there is still time to avert catastrophe.