Israel is the only non-Muslim country (except non-NATO Cyprus) that stands between the 2,000x2,000 mile land mass span comprising of 370 million Muslims, from Iran/Yemen to the East/South, to Greece (11M) and NATO (500M) to the West, and Russia (142M) to the North.
In 334 BCE, 128 years before the Chinese invented the compass for merely divining purposes in 206 BCE, Alexander the Great knew that military control over the Holy Land/Levant was absolutely necessary before Alexander projected military power eastward to defeat Darius III at Gaugamela (Northern Iraq) in 331 BCE.

In 1941, with Britain in absolute military control of the Holy Land/Levant, over the objections of his generals, Churchill ordered British forces to fight eastward to overturn a catastrophic Nazi coup-d’état by PM Rashid Ali al-Gaylani in Iraq, and invade the rabidly pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler Iran.

For, if...
No 1936-9 37,000 Mandate Jewish armed soldiers and 435,000 Jews.
- No 1939 British Mandate.
- No 1941 British Mandate FOB ‘Hab’ Force
- No 1941-45 Allied Iraq/ Persia-Iran/Saudi oil.
- Yes 1941-45 Nazi Iraq/ Persia-Iran/Saudi oil.
- No Persian Gulf Allied war supply-line to Soviets.
Therefore, . . . Allies lose. Nazis win.

For, if...
No 1936-9 37,000 Mandate Jewish armed soldiers and 435,000 Jews.
- No 1939 British Mandate.
- No 1941 British Mandate FOB ‘Hab’ Force
- No 1941-45 Allied Iraq/ Persia-Iran/Saudi oil.
- Yes 1941-45 Nazi Iraq/ Persia-Iran/Saudi oil.
- No Persian Gulf Allied war supply-line to Soviets.
Therefore, . . . Allies lose. Nazis win.