Israel IS NATO’s south-eastern flank defending Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, and even Greece, against Turkey and an Iranian-occupied Israel.
1. Now, Israel’s battle-ready Order of Battle gives NATO a dependable, cost-effective, NATO-friendly shaped Battle Space to protect Greek Cyprus from a Turkish/Muslim Attack and devastation which began with the Turkish invasion in 1974.

2. Iran will first topple Jordan soon after a West Bank State is created. Hamas will overthrow Fatah in the West Bank, as they already have overthrown Fatah in Gaza. A West Bank Hamas Palestinian State will have tens of thousands of smuggled Katyusha Rockets (including VX (persistent) and GB (Sarin) nerve agents (Janes) ranging over Tel Aviv and 70% of Israel’s Jewish population. On Iranian orders, Hamas will fire barrages of rockets into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, provoking an Israeli attempt to mobilize to reinvade the West Bank which will trigger massive Arab/Iranian long-range missile strikes.
3. Such a simultaneous Muslim Scud/Katyusha attack from 5 different directions will annihilate Israel. Israel is NATO’s, and the West’s first, and only line of defense, against the Westward advance of the Iranian Caliphate or a Turkish resurrection of its Ottoman Empire. Turkey is trying to steal billions of dollars of Greek Cypriot and Israeli Eastern Mediterranean gas resources to fund billions of further Islamic Mediterranean military build-up.
4. Without Israel’s Order of Battle protecting Cyprus’ Southeastern Flank and Battle Space, with Turkish frigates and subs infesting the Southern Cyprus waters and cutting off any military reinforcements and with Haifa as Iran’s New Eastern Mediterranean Naval Base, Cyprus, Crete, Rhodes and even Greece will be lost to Turkey and the Iranian Shiite Caliphate. Iranian now-existing Shahib medium-range missiles (1000 miles) will range and cover southern Europe from their new bases in Yafo, Greater Iran. Greece will become indefensible. Iran and/or Turkey will be on Europe‘s doorstep.
Israeli Dissuasion Movements
Paper designs on the logic of dealing with a Turkish attack in the areá
Wider and much more substantial pre-exits seem to take on the issue of the Turkish threats against Cyprus and against Israel. In Cyprus, dealing with these threats, given the country‘s small military power, is limited to a purely political level with démarches and performances. But this is not the case with Israel, which has already proceeded with other scenarios concerning the treatment of even the military threat on the part of Turkey in the context of a possible co-operation with Iran. According to these scenarios, which have been prepared by expert analysts and have been brought before the Israeli Government, it is necessary to involve NATO, not only for the benefit of the Jewish state but also for the protection of the Greece (which is a member of the North Atlantic alliance) and Cyprus.

It is evident that the Israelis pay particular attention to Turkish threats, especially after the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan‘s latest opening in the North African Muslim countries. All that is said by Turkey, even the references to the past and the Ottoman Empire, are recorded and given a particular weight by the Israeli side.
The locations where natural gas companies operate are considered by Israel to be areas of the highest national security because of the importance of VAT in the development of the economy of the Jewish state. The presence of Noble in the 12th Block of the Exclusive Economic Zone and its interconnection with the Israeli side puts it under the protection umbrella that the Jewish state wants to create for all energy sources in the Eastern Mediterranean, to Greece.
An indicative of the whole situation is that more and more analysts and experts have come forward with their statements lately and are constantly reporting on the dangers, not only for the region, from Turkish policy. These include American Surveyor Mark Langefang, who has prepared a few studies on behalf of the Israeli Government and especially the countryæs defense ministry. His latest study concerns only the dangers that lie in the region in particular, but also in Europe in general, from a parallel military attack by both Turkey and Iran.
In his statements to the Israeli state news agency, Liangfeng commented on the recent visit by Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon to Greece, noting that for the same he shows that "there is an understanding that energy issues in this area of the world they are treated with due weight. " Speaking with the status of a military analyst, he notes that if Israel is not helped to cope with the Turkish threats, then NATO will not be able to refute any attack by Turkey against Greece or Cyprus or Iran against Jewish state.
They See A Common Naval Force
INDICATIVE of the fact that the Israelis do not believe that the threats of the Turks are just words and always in fear of using the Muslim extremist organizations for attacks in vital places, which now include the gas extraction platforms, is the decision of the Israeli Government to make significant improvements in the naval war. To this end, Israel plans to purchase two submarines and two frigates to patrol the eastern Mediterranean area by protecting gas extraction platforms. These include the "Noble" platform.
In the context of the upgrading of its fleet, Israel has already proceeded to construct two frigates in the United States, while at the same time it has ordered two more Dolpin submarines from Germany.
The Israelis believe that alongside their naval support, similar moves from the Cypriot side should be made within the capabilities of Cyprus. That is why they consider it important to acquire two high-speed boats on the front that will be built in Israel. These ships will be acquired by the Republic of Cyprus under the agreement that the two countries will soon sign for Research and Rescue.
Additionally to this is the development of defense cooperation between Greece and Israel. For this purpose, a visit by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to Athens will take place in January.

Analysis and war scenario
In his highly interesting analysis, the American writer Mark Langef, accompanied by specific graphs, relies on the hypothetical but not unlikely scenario of an Iranian domination over the Arab states as a whole, even Israel‘s occupation. On the basis of this scenario, as well as the Turkish expansionist policy, the American surveyor and analyst explains the reasons why NATO should support Israel, which it presents as the power that can protect both Cyprus and Greece from Turkey‘s neo-Ottoman expansive policy.
In his analysis he notes that Turkey is trying to steal the value of several billion dollars of natural gas from the Greek Cypriots and the Eastern Mediterranean. These billion, mentioned in the analysis, will be used to finance the military development of the Islamic countries of the Mediterranean.
This war scenario indicates that the strength of the Turkish naval force in the Eastern Mediterranean region is capable of preventing and deterring NATO‘s deployment of any aid to Israel in order to prevent an operation invasion by Iran. Based on the position that Turkey and Iran can work in this direction, Langhaven refers to a missile installation on Israeli territory that will be able to hit Europe itself. At the same time, he says a weak Greece will not be able to cope with Turkey, which will bring it to the stairway of Europe.
Informal English translation of the Phileleftheros dated November 26, 2011
Hello Mark,
I saw the story when I went through Phileleftheros’ weekend editions. It was published on Saturday November 26. The story starts on the first page under the title "Israel examines war scenarios".
The main story, in three parts, appears on page five. In the first part it mentions that Israel pays special attention to Turkish threats, especially after Erdogan’s openings to Muslim count ries in North Africa. It notes that recently many analysts and experts refer to the dangers to be watched for not just in the region but also for Europe due to Turkish policies of expansion. Then it refers to statements you have made to the Israeli News Agency on the Israeli’s Deputy Foreign Minister’s visit to Greece.
The second part refers to Israel’s efforts to upgrade its naval forces, in an effort to protect the drilling platforms in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The third part refers to "An extre mely interesting analysis by Mark Langfan with graphics noting that the analysis is based on the hypothetical but not impossible scenario of an Iranian control of all Arab states, even the occupation of Israel. Based on this scenario, but also due to Turkish expansionist policies the American topographer and analysts explains the reasons for which NATO must support Israel, which he presents as the power that could protect both Cyprus and Greece from the neo - ottoman expansionist police of Turkey."
"In his analysis he notes that Turkey attempts to steal the natural gas from the Greek Cypriots and Israel, the value of which is many billions of dollars. These billions will be used to fund the military development of Mediterranean Islamic countries."
I hope this is helpful for you.