Almost nobody had heard of it because the mainstream press only reports on Trump and attacks Trump. For the record it was, in fact, Putin who after launching submarine-based cruise missiles at the Syrian rebels said that those cruise missiles could be easily “equipped either with conventional or special nuclear warheads.” He went on to say, “I hope we will never need [nuclear weapons].”
The point is the press won’t really report an actual nuke-use threat of a world-leader who possesses the largest-stockpile of nukes and who is active in military operations against the Syrian rebels, but the press attacks Trump if he so much as breathes. The more the mainstream-press and mainstream-Republicans hate Trump, the more I love him.
Enlighten me, how is “keeping a list of Syrian refugees” unconstitutional? Doesn’t the government have to keep a record of the list of the countries of origin of “asylum” refugees granted entry into the US?
I have just written a non politically correct sentence: “Islamo-terrorists infiltrating Muslim refugees.” Why is that so terrible? Because Obama will call me a “Racist,” and “disqualify” me as a citizen. I mean, after all, in the wake of Trump’s urging a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US while we “get a handle on the problem,” Obama’s mouth-piece announced that “What Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president.”
If Obama can call to “disqualify” Trump for peacefully speaking his mind, soon, Obama will “disqualify” anybody for saying anything.
And Facebook’s Zuckerberg came out against Trump for the Muslim ban idea. So, Facebook and Zuckerberg could have informed on Malik and averted the terrorist massacre, but instead Zuckerberg attacked Trump. Zuckerberg and his terrorist-hiding Facebook have the San Bernardino victims’ blood on their hands.