Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
2525 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20008
Re: Turkey’s Security
For the security of Turkey, I beg you not to attack or invade Northern Kurdish Iraq.
Ask yourself one question: Would Turkey rather have the Peshmerga as a suicidal enemy against a Turkish invasion to the south, or have the Peshmerga as a suicidal ally against a future Iranian invasion from the South.
The Kurds are your indispensable, reliable, and sole indigenous ally in your present and future strategic battle against Iran. By accommodating the Kurds, Turkey will gain, at almost no cost, the entire northern Iraq as its forward deployed defense line against the Iranian northern encroachment that is undoubtedly on its way. By fighting the Kurds, Turkey will not only lose a tactical tripwire to an Iranian push, but also lose the Kurds as a strategic battle-hardened military backbone which be first to absorb Iranian advances.
In fact, by not attacking Northern Iraq and building a Kurdish alliance instead, Turkey will, without a shot, project a strategic threat against Iran: namely, Iran’s 5 million Kurds. By treating the Kurds as allies, Turkey will put the entire Iranian Kurdish population in play, to Iran’s detriment,.
The strategic calculus is so compelling; I believe it is absolutely vital that Turkey carefully triple-check and completely re-analyze its military intelligence of the recent terrorist attacks. The Iranians, Syrians, or even al-Qaeda may have committed the attacks so as to falsely create a strategic wedge between Turkey and the Kurds and Turkey and the US, and provoke the very reaction Turkey is committing.
Don’t allow the Iranians to bait you into a losing tactical game of checkers against the Kurds, when you have a winning strategic game of chess against the Iranians.
Don’t look at the Kurds as Turkey’s past enemy, but as Turkey’s future ally. Treat both Turkish and Iraqi Kurds as brothers in battle. Very soon, Turkish and Kurdish soldiers will be dying side-by-side against the waxing Iranian Mahdish menace.
I have enclosed my article Iran: The Fourth Reichastan 2.2 for your review. I have also enclosed a 1993 Jerusalem Post article about me. If you want to see a small part of my presentation with an old version of my 3-D topographic map, go here “Mark Langfan Shalom America.”
Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Mark Langfan