1) West Bank Mountains Depicted by L-shaped Black Piece
Description: Black Plexiglass Piece echoes topography of West Bank, steep Western Section running east from the Jordan River and shallow Eastern Section running East from Crest line to green line 1967 “border”.

“The Importance of the ‘West Bank’ and Gaza to Israel‘s Security“, 1985

2) Katyusha Rocket (Piece) Fire from Gaza compared with Katyusha Rocket Fire from the West Bank into Tel Aviv
Description: Now the Gaza terrorists fire Katyushas into mostly relatively empty farm fields around Gaza, if they get the West Bank they will hit Tel Aviv.
A) Now Palestinian terrorists fire Katyusha and Kassam rockets into relatively empty acres in and around Gaza. It’s like firing a Katyusha in a North Pakistan empty field.

B) But if the Palestinian got the West Bank, they will be firing Katyushas in the Tel Aviv Netanya corridor. This is like firing rockets from Brooklyn into Manhattan. There will be horrific bloodshed and death.

3) 200K Jewish Civilians Held Hostage by Ice Cream Cone Orange Piece
Description: 200,000 “Coastal Plain rectangle” Jewish civilian hostages/prisoners of war is “game over”.

4) Tel Aviv Iron Domes Will Be Overwhelmed by multi-vectored Katyusha Rocket Pieces
Description: Tel Aviv Iron Dome missile defense units will be overwhelmed by multi-vector multi source West Bank Katyusha rocket barrage attacks. A) Iron Dome has a very narrow angle of rocket Interception- Basically what’s directly in front of it.

5) West Bank Katyushas in Tel Aviv will be modern day Dien Bien Phu.

6) The actual Palestinian “Demographic” threat actually boomerangs against an Israel withdrawal from the West Bank.
Description: The 200% likelihood of a West Bank Katyusha rocket attack into the Tel Aviv Coastal plain rectangle makes an Israeli “reinvasion” scenario inextricably linked and comparable to the status quo West Bank Palestinian “Demographic” threat. Show Katyusha Rocket attack in the blue rectangle.

7) F-16 “Turning Radius” depicted by L-shaped Black piece and two Katyusha Rocket pieces with Paper Binder Clip
Description: Without the West Bank airspace, due to the large turning radius of modern fighter jets, Jerusalem Airspace will be unreachable for Israeli jet fighters

8) Jerusalem Access Cutoff with 2 Katyusha pieces and Ice Cream cone piece
Description: Jerusalem mountain access cutoff from pincer attacks with Kornet-E anti-tank missiles from both sides of the West Bank
A) With full Israel military control over the West Bank mountain surrounding and overlooking the only supply line to Jerusalem which is at the crest of the Jordan Rift crest, there is full accessibility from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and from pre-1967 Israel to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

B) But with the West Bank mountains overlooking the Tel Aviv Jerusalem’s only supply road, Palestinians with Kornet-E antitank missiles like the one which was fired and murdered Daniel Viflic from the Gaza Strip (having a range of 5 kilometers) ranged the full length of the mountain pass up to Jerusalem could easily lay siege to Jerusalem requiring a full reinvasion of the entire swatch of areas surrounding the Tel Aviv Jerusalem mountain pass road. If Hamas terrorists murdered a 16 year old Jewish school boy in a yellow school bus from the Gaza Strip what would they do to Israeli convoys trying to break through to a besieged Jerusalem!?!

9) A West ank Retreat only creats an Additive short-range Katyusha threat to Tel Aviv with Katyusha and Ice Cream cone piece
Description: In the “Age of Missiles” the territory of the West Bank is even more vital for the Tel Aviv coastal plain 70% Jewish population rectangle, than before 1967.
A) Under the status quo missile threat, Israel is threatened with long-range missiles from Egypt, Iran and Syria where there exists a Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) threat if the Arab/Muslim countries ever fire their long range missiles. The Israel Arab map deterrent has held for 60 years excluding Saddam Hussein’s desperate SCUD attacks in the Gulf Wars. The firing of long range missiles which are undeniably under full government control is an absolute act of total war enabling Israel to annihilate the country from which such a long range missiles is fired.

And, Israel is currently also under Katyusha rockets short-range “terrorist” rockets from Gaza. This short-range Katyusha threat is mostly ineffective in that all the land around Gaza is empty immediately around Gaza. So there are now two simple non-existent threats, a long-range SCUD total attack to Tel Aviv and a short-range from Gaza into the generally empty space and Gaza.

B) Under any cognizable “peace” plan, none of the Arab/Muslim countries which now possess long range missiles will “scrap” their long-range missiles even if Israel retreats to the pure 1967 cease-fire lines including Jerusalem and a return of all the 7 million claimed Palestinian refugees to Tel Aviv and Haifa. Therefore, the only change in the long-range “missile threat” is that in addition to the long range “state” missiles, now Tel Aviv Coastal Plain rectangle will also have ranged against it the short range “terrorist” totally deniable Katyusha rocket threat from the West Bank.

C) So when a “deniable” Hamas “terrorist” from the West Bank “deniably” fires a ball-bearing war-headed Katyusha into Tel Aviv murdering dozens of Jews and the West Bank Palestinian President ‘denies” responsibility, and Israel “mobilizes” to reinvade, this will give all the Arab-Muslim countries with the long range missiles the perfect legal context to simultaneously fire their long range missiles into the Tel Aviv rectangle in defense of the West Bank Palestinian State.